The inaugural meeting of the new Dundalk FC Supporters club took place on Monday 31st May.
The meeting was held on Zoom due to COVID restrictions. Stephen Todd and Jane McDermott, new Supporter Liaison Officers at Dundalk FC, chaired the meeting for the election process as they were neutral and not eligible for nomination or election.
The committee was elected as follows:
Chair: Brendan Ogle
Vice Chair: Andrea McQuillan
Secretary: Jane Waldron
Treasurer: Damien Mackin
Marketing & PR Office: Lee McConville
The new supporters club aims to run in a democratic format and is open to all Dundalk FC supporters.
The members present agreed on a name: The 1903, Dundalk FC Supporters Club
There was discussion on the logo but opinions were split so it was agreed to revisit at a later date.
There were some discussions on membership options as well as on the format for proposed communications with the club, with an option for Jane and Stephen to join the committee as non-voting members for direct communication.
The elected committee will meet soon to come up with proposals which they will then present to members at a future members meeting.